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Paintings & Decorative Art of XVI and XVII-Century Peru Collected by Mrs. Frank Freyer

DATES December 20, 1930 through September 30, 1931
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  • April 1, 1931 Current Exhibitions at the Brooklyn Museum include the following:

    The first important exhibition of the American Union of Decorative Artists and Craftsmen, commonly known as AUDAC, will be presented on the third floor of the Museum from May first through July first. Modern decoration in both house and office furnishings will be shown, as well as group arrangements of specially designed furniture. Other exhibits include textile designs, applied art of various forms and an interesting section devoted to the graphic arts including an unusual collection of book illustration and design. All the exhibitors are members of the Union and are leaders in their individual fields

    Until May 28h the Exhibition of Persian Art will be on view in the fourth floor galleries. The exhibition includes a good chronological review of Persian art in its various forms from 3500 B.C. until the present time. The effect on present day design is indicated. Exhibits include sculpture and bronzes of the very early periods, potteries of various leading schools and periods, textiles, rugs, jewelry and a splendid collection of miniatures. The Museum's collections are supplemented by loans from important private collectors and commercial houses.

    The Hispano-Peruvian Collection of furniture, paintings and decorative objects will continue on view until autumn. The influence of Spanish art on the native design and the interesting combination of the two schools is shown in this group lent by Mrs. Frank Barrows Freyer.

    On April 30th a practical demonstration of Indian handicraft will be presented by a group of native Navajo Indians in costume.

    An Exhibition of Pictorial Drawings, work of the elementary classes in the public schools will be hung in the Library Gallery until April 30th.

    The collection of Russian National Art is reinstalled in the basement of the museum and will remain on view here for an indefinite time. Examples of peasant craft-work in embroideries, woven materials, ikons, decorative objects and costumes. Particularly interesting for design both traditional and occasional.

    The Mary Hoyt Wiborg loan collection of modern paintings will continue on view for some time. Representatives of such famous leaders as Leger, Vlaminck, Picasso, Chirico and Madeleine Luka are shown. There are also two highly interesting screens by Natalia Goncharova.

    Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1931 - 1936. 04-06_1931, 075.
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  • December 21, 1930 Paintings and examples of the decorative arts of 16th and 17th century Peru, collected Mrs. Frank Barrows Freyer, wife of an American Navy Captain, are on view for the first time in New York to-day (Sunday, December 21st) on the fourth floor of the Brooklyn Museum. This collection is considered unique and unrivalled and affords one of the first opportunities for the people of Greater New York to see the remarkable state of civilization and artistic development to which Peru arose in its early days as a colony of Spain, Mrs. Freyer accompanied her husband on an official mission to Peru in 1920. As she was a California woman with a long background of Spanish ancestry she became intensely interested in the antique arts of Peru as she found them and she was greatly surprised by their high quality. For the three years during which she and her husband were stationed in Peru, she delved into the life of that country, both through humane works to improve the condition of the people and a study of the arts which her penetration into the life there made possible. She became much beloved and was awarded the Order of the Sun by the Government.

    The collection was assembled from Cuzco, the ancient city, as well as from Lima, the present capitol. Augmenting her collection is a fine exhibition of Spanish colonial silver lent by Mrs. William D. Wrightson of Washington, D. C. The pieces for this collection were assembled by General and. Mrs. Gorgas while in South America.

    The Freyer collection consists of some 25 paintings which can be considered Peruvian primitives, furniture and textiles.

    Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1916 - 1930. 10-12_1930, 178.
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