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Memorial Exhibition of Prints by George C. (Pop) Hart

DATES November 26, 1933 through December 08, 1933
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  • November 26, 1933 A Memorial Exhibition of Prints by George Overbury "Pop" Hart will be held in the Print Galleries of the Brooklyn Museum from November 26th through December 10th. The show will comprise a practically complete list of all the prints executed by this artist in the many mediums he employed.

    The position attained by “Pop” Hart in American art is attested by the several memorial exhibitions which are scheduled for this season at various Galleries including the Detroit Museum, the Art Institute of Chicago and the local Downtown Gallery is showing a series of his drawings and some of his hand-colored prints. It is particularly fitting that the present exhibition should be at the Brooklyn Museum, which was the first great Museum to recognize and purchase his work in the graphic field. Their portfolio of his prints has been maintained through a number of years and includes some of the rarer prints such as the lithograph “Weighing and Matching the Birds” Due to the artist's dissatisfaction with this composition, the plate has been destroyed as were as many of the prints as the artist could reclaim. Another rare print in the possession of the Museum and to be seen in the exhibition is the one entitled “The Toilers”.

    The entire period in which “Pop” Hart produced prints will be reviewed in the show from the early ones of 1921, such as “Siesta” and “Jack and Jill” to the late work done in the last few years of his life.

    George Overbury “Pop” Hart was born in 1868 and while still a young man started on his endless wanderings to the far corners of the world, where he found the scenes for most his water colors and etchings. Success came to him late in life but swiftly at the end. In 1928 was published a biographical sketch of him by Holger Cahill together with a complete list to that time of his work in graphic arts. Hart died September 9, 1933.

    Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1916 - 1930. 10-12_1933, 094.
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