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James Otto Lewis
– American, 1799 â 1858
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Mac-Cut-I-Mish-E-Ca-Cu-Cac or Black Hawk, a Celebrated Sac Chief
print issu...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Waa-Top-E-Not or the Eagle's Bed, a Fox Chief
issued November 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Waa-Bin-De-Ba or the White Headed Eagle, a Chippeway Chief
issued January 1...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Jack-O-Pa or the Six, a Chippeway Chief
issued January 1836
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
A Sioux Chief
issued January 1836
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Tshu-Gue-Ga, a Celebrated Chief Half Winnebago and Half French
print issued...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Kitch-Ee-I-Aa-Ba or the Big Buck, a Chippewa Chief
print issued May 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Pen-Now-We-Ta, a Miami Chief
issued November 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Wa-Em-Boesh-Kaa, a Chippeway Chief
issued January 1836
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Wa-Kaun, or The Snake, a Winnebago Chief
issued January 1836
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
O-Wan-Ich-Koh or the Little Elk, a Winnebago Chief
issued January 1836
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Ma-Che-Ka-Kat or the Bad Hawk, Monomonie Chief
print issued May 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Com-No-Sa-Qua, a Pottowattomie Chief
issued November 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Waa-Na-Taa or the Foremost in Battle, Chief of the Sioux Tribe
print issued...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Tens-Qua-Ta-Wa or The One that Opens the Door, a Shawnese Prophet
issued Ja...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Wadt-He-Doo-Kaana, Chief of the Winnebagoes
issued November 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
At-Te-Conse or the Young Rein Deer, a Chippeway Chief
issued January 1836
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Waa-Pa-Laa or the Playing Fox, Prince of the Fox Tribe
print issued May 183...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Shing-Gaa-Ba-W'Osin or the Figured Stone, a Chippewa Chief
issued May 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Pach-E-Po, a Pottowattomie Chief
issued November 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Cha-Co-To, a Pottawatomie Chief
plate issued May 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Waa-Kaun-See-Kaa or the Rattle-Snake, a Winnebago Chief
issued November 183...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Ma-Ko-Me-Ta or Bear's Oil, a Monomonie Chief
print issued May 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Mac-Cut-I-Mish-E-Ca-Cu-Cac or Black Hawk, a Celebrated Sac Chief
print issu...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Waa-Top-E-Not or the Eagle's Bed, a Fox Chief
issued November 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Waa-Bin-De-Ba or the White Headed Eagle, a Chippeway Chief
issued January 1...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Jack-O-Pa or the Six, a Chippeway Chief
issued January 1836
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
A Sioux Chief
issued January 1836
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Tshu-Gue-Ga, a Celebrated Chief Half Winnebago and Half French
print issued...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Kitch-Ee-I-Aa-Ba or the Big Buck, a Chippewa Chief
print issued May 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Pen-Now-We-Ta, a Miami Chief
issued November 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Wa-Em-Boesh-Kaa, a Chippeway Chief
issued January 1836
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Wa-Kaun, or The Snake, a Winnebago Chief
issued January 1836
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
O-Wan-Ich-Koh or the Little Elk, a Winnebago Chief
issued January 1836
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Ma-Che-Ka-Kat or the Bad Hawk, Monomonie Chief
print issued May 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Com-No-Sa-Qua, a Pottowattomie Chief
issued November 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Waa-Na-Taa or the Foremost in Battle, Chief of the Sioux Tribe
print issued...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Tens-Qua-Ta-Wa or The One that Opens the Door, a Shawnese Prophet
issued Ja...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Wadt-He-Doo-Kaana, Chief of the Winnebagoes
issued November 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
At-Te-Conse or the Young Rein Deer, a Chippeway Chief
issued January 1836
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Waa-Pa-Laa or the Playing Fox, Prince of the Fox Tribe
print issued May 183...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Shing-Gaa-Ba-W'Osin or the Figured Stone, a Chippewa Chief
issued May 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Pach-E-Po, a Pottowattomie Chief
issued November 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Cha-Co-To, a Pottawatomie Chief
plate issued May 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Waa-Kaun-See-Kaa or the Rattle-Snake, a Winnebago Chief
issued November 183...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Ma-Ko-Me-Ta or Bear's Oil, a Monomonie Chief
print issued May 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Mac-Cut-I-Mish-E-Ca-Cu-Cac or Black Hawk, a Celebrated Sac Chief
print issu...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Waa-Top-E-Not or the Eagle's Bed, a Fox Chief
issued November 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Waa-Bin-De-Ba or the White Headed Eagle, a Chippeway Chief
issued January 1...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Jack-O-Pa or the Six, a Chippeway Chief
issued January 1836
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
A Sioux Chief
issued January 1836
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Tshu-Gue-Ga, a Celebrated Chief Half Winnebago and Half French
print issued...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Kitch-Ee-I-Aa-Ba or the Big Buck, a Chippewa Chief
print issued May 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Pen-Now-We-Ta, a Miami Chief
issued November 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Wa-Em-Boesh-Kaa, a Chippeway Chief
issued January 1836
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Wa-Kaun, or The Snake, a Winnebago Chief
issued January 1836
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
O-Wan-Ich-Koh or the Little Elk, a Winnebago Chief
issued January 1836
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Ma-Che-Ka-Kat or the Bad Hawk, Monomonie Chief
print issued May 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Com-No-Sa-Qua, a Pottowattomie Chief
issued November 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Waa-Na-Taa or the Foremost in Battle, Chief of the Sioux Tribe
print issued...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Tens-Qua-Ta-Wa or The One that Opens the Door, a Shawnese Prophet
issued Ja...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Wadt-He-Doo-Kaana, Chief of the Winnebagoes
issued November 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
At-Te-Conse or the Young Rein Deer, a Chippeway Chief
issued January 1836
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Waa-Pa-Laa or the Playing Fox, Prince of the Fox Tribe
print issued May 183...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Shing-Gaa-Ba-W'Osin or the Figured Stone, a Chippewa Chief
issued May 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Pach-E-Po, a Pottowattomie Chief
issued November 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Cha-Co-To, a Pottawatomie Chief
plate issued May 1835
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Waa-Kaun-See-Kaa or the Rattle-Snake, a Winnebago Chief
issued November 183...
James Otto Lewis; Lehman and Duval
Ma-Ko-Me-Ta or Bear's Oil, a Monomonie Chief
print issued May 1835