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Contemporary Industrial and Handwrought Silver

DATES November 20, 1937 through January 23, 1938
  • November 12, 1937 The chief treasures from many private collections of silver--cups, mugs, tankards, flagons, beakers, porringers, goblets, and tea services---will be shown in a gallery that will serve as an introduction to the Exhibition of Contemporary Industrial and Handwrought Silver at the Brooklyn Museum from Saturday, November 20th through January 16th. Danish and Mexican work as well as XVIIIth Century silver from New England, New York and the South will illustrate the sources of design for many of the finest pieces made by contemporary silversmiths. The John Coney cup from Harvard University, an engraved mug by Paul Revere from the Halsey collection, a pair of flagons by Benjamin Burt from the collection of Mrs. William Putnam Jr., a tankard by Jacob Boelen, a porringer by Bartholomew Schaats, a tea service in the Adam tradition by John Vernon, two beakers by Garret Onclebaugh from the collection of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Flatbush, are among the notable pieces to be shown.

    The technique of working silver will be explained by collections of tools, silver objects in various stages of completion and by photographs of silversmiths at work. Demonstrations, moving pictures and lectures will be scheduled during the exhibition.

    The larger galleries of the exhibition will be filled with contemporary sterling and silver plate. Both the large manufacturing companies and the small handcraft shops will be represented. Exhibited in brilliantly illuminated miniature show windows set in the walls of the gallery, the silver will be grouped by makers so that the designs and methods of different silversmiths can be easily compared.

    Representatives of the press are invited to preview the exhibition on Monday, November 15th, and there will be a reception and preview for members and guests of the Museum on the evening of Friday, November 19th.

    Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1937 - 1939. 10-12_1937, 174.
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  • November 20, 1937 On Friday evening, November 19. the Brooklyn Museum opened with preview and reception for members and guests its latest large industrial art exhibition of controlled industrial and handwrought silver. In connection with this exhibition the Museum is showing two galleries of on sterling silver and Shieffield Plate.

    Among those present are Mr. E. C. Blum, president of the The Brooklyn Institute ot Arts & Sciences; and Mrs. Blum; and Philip N. Youtz, director of the Brooklyn Museum, and Mrs. Youtz; Miss Louisde W. Chase, curator in charge of the exhibition; Mr. Boris Eliasayev, Mr. Buhl, Miss Helen Barck, Mr. Hohn Skilton, Miss Ruth Lunning, Miss Edith Potts, Mr. Hebert B. Tschudy, Mr. Peter Farley, Miss Esther Lewittes, Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Felsenfeld, Mr. William Allen of Cartier, Inc.; Mr. Kevy, Mr. Andrew D. Fleming, Dr. L. J. Morton, Mr. Francois Rebajes, Miss Helen Ormond, Mr. William Lloyd Garrison, 3rd, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Chase, the Misses Waumen, Miss Virgina Montgermery, Mrs. Grant H. Code, Miss Roberta Brown, Miss Condit, Miss Lucille Faucett, Mr. Harold Tischler, Miss Josephine Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. May, Mr. Alven Von Hinzmann, Prof. Reginald F. Baker, Mr. Pietro Montana, Mr. Sheldon Keck, Miss Jessie Condit, Prof. Jean Capat, Mr. and Mrs. James Boudreau, Mr. Maxson Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Helwig, Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Bach, Miss Jean Scheninger, Miss Betty Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Eldred, Mr. David Margolis.

    Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1937 - 1939. 10-12_1937, 176.
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