Amanda Wilson (Maidu, ca. 1860–1946). <em>Coiled Cooking Basket (Bush-ku) with mountain quail topknot design (wash-wash-ka)</em>, ca. 1908. Sedge root, split redbud shoots, willow rods, 7 x 15 in. (18.5 x 38.0 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Museum Expedition 1908, Museum Collection Fund, 08.491.8683. Creative Commons-BY (Photo: , 08.491.8683_view01_PS9.jpg)

Coiled Cooking Basket (Bush-ku) with mountain quail topknot design (wash-wash-ka)

Artist:Amanda Wilson

Medium: Sedge root, split redbud shoots, willow rods

Dates:ca. 1908

Dimensions: 7 x 15 in. (18.5 x 38.0 cm)



Accession Number: 08.491.8683

Image: 08.491.8683_view01_PS9.jpg,

Catalogue Description:
Cooking basket (bush-ka) with the design of the mountain-quail top-knot. This design was Wilson's best known design. The mountain-quail has a very long, straight top knot. Author Sally Bates suggests that this design may have been favored as the weaver's name, Oymutnee, meant "the sound made by a quail." Baskets such as this one seem to be characteristic of the Maidu community of Mikchopedo at Chico, CA. (Also see also description for 08.491.8679.)

Brooklyn Museum