Yankton, Nakota, Sioux. <em>Pipe Stem</em>, early 19th century. Ashwood, pigment, 46 in. (116.8 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Henry L. Batterman Fund and the Frank Sherman Benson Fund, 50.67.88. Creative Commons-BY (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 50.67.88_bw_SL1.jpg)

Pipe Stem

Artist:Yankton, Nakota, Sioux

Medium: Ashwood, pigment

Geograhical Locations:

Dates:early 19th century

Dimensions: 46 in. (116.8 cm)


Accession Number: 50.67.88

Image: 50.67.88_bw_SL1.jpg,

Catalogue Description:
Sioux. Beautiful very long pipe stem. Catlin painted people holding these long pipes. Ceremonial use is for agreement meetings, visits and trade.

Brooklyn Museum