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Opencollection API

GET /artist/

Returns a set of artist items matching the given criteria.

Returns id, name, nationality, and primary image for each artist OR a total count that matches the query if the total_count_only parameter is supplied and set to 1


An integer indicating how many results to return Integer
An integer indicating at which index of the full result set to begin at Integer
Limits results to those where the artist name matches this string. String
Limits results to those where the artist nationality matches this string. String
Filter by keyword. This is a full text search of the artist fields. String
Accepted values are 0 for false or 1 for true. If true, the total row count for the query will be returned instead of artists. Integer


200: An array of artists OR a total count that matches the query if the total_count_only parameter is supplied and set to 1 Returns Artist