June 25, 1925
The Brooklyn Museum announces that its gallery of special exhibitions will be reopened beginning Sunday, June 28th, when several groups of paintings will be placed on view. These include a group of paintings by Sir James J. Shannon, R. A., which consist mostly of portraits. Another section of the gallery will be devoted to the showing of two series of large decorative panels by Henri Caro-Delvaille which represent a cycle of allegorical subjects. In addition there will be shown a number of paintings by Will H. Shuster representing the remarkable formations in the Guadalupe mountains in southeastern New Mexico which have been set aside by the Government as the Carlsbad National Monument. Another gallery will be devoted to the Museum's accessions in painting and sculpture which have been acquired during the past year. These exhibitions will remain on view until October 1st.
Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1916 - 1930. 1925, 039. View Original