West Indian Day Parade

Dindga McCannon

Brooklyn Museum photograph

Object Label

Dindga McCannon captures the vibrancy and energy of the West Indian Day Parade that has been celebrated in the streets surrounding the Brooklyn Museum since the mid-1960s. Rather than depict the locality of central Brooklyn, McCannon sets the parade (which she frequented in its earliest years) in a stylized landscape with patches of celestial blue sky and layers of earth that recall a pan-African heritage. Each elongated figure draws inspiration from the extravagant costumes and festivities that enliven Eastern Parkway.


Dindga McCannon American, born 1947. West Indian Day Parade, 1976. Acrylic, African fabric, polyester fabric, 52 × 89 in. (132.1 × 226.1 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Purchase gift of Elizabeth A. Sackler, 2020.26. © artist or artist's estate (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 2020.26_PS11.jpg)


West Indian Day Parade




Acrylic, African fabric, polyester fabric




52 × 89 in. (132.1 × 226.1 cm)

Credit Line

Purchase gift of Elizabeth A. Sackler

Accession Number



© artist or artist's estate

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