Wooden Stool with Latticework Bracing

ca. 1539–1295 B.C.E.

1 of 6

Object Label

Pieces of furniture were included in burials until the end of the New Kingdom. Such objects are often seen as an attempt on the part of the Egyptians to take their material possessions with them. As has been stressed elsewhere, however, these goods did not necessarily reflect the needs of the deceased. The gesture of including precious or even practical objects may have been an attempt to please or appease the dead. This stool is virtually identical in size and construction to two of the four stools found in the tomb of Tutankhamun and is also paralleled by a number of other stools from private tombs of Dynasty XVIII.


Wooden Stool with Latticework Bracing, ca. 1539–1295 B.C.E.. Wood, 9 5/8 x 10 1/2 x 9 1/8 in. (24.4 x 26.7 x 23.2 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Charles Edwin Wilbour Fund, 37.45E. Creative Commons-BY (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 37.45E_PS9.jpg)


Wooden Stool with Latticework Bracing


ca. 1539–1295 B.C.E.


Dynasty 18


New Kingdom


Reportedly from: Saqqara, Egypt






9 5/8 x 10 1/2 x 9 1/8 in. (24.4 x 26.7 x 23.2 cm)

Credit Line

Charles Edwin Wilbour Fund

Accession Number



Creative Commons-BY

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