Hannah Wilke Through the Large Glass

Hannah Wilke

Photograph courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix, New York.

Object Label

Through the Large Glass documents one of Wilke’s most effective and well-known performances, in which she executed a languid striptease behind the cracked transparent surface of Marcel Duchamp’s famous work The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (The Large Glass), 1915–23, at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 1976. Dressed in a fedora and a man’s white satin suit, she strikes a series of poses evoking the style of 1970s fashion photography and then strips, cleverly suggesting bride and bachelor simultaneously. In her self-conscious affectation of a fashion model, Wilke willfully uses her own image and her sexuality to confront the erotic representation of women in art history and popular culture.


Hannah Wilke American, 1940–1993. Hannah Wilke Through the Large Glass, 1976. 16mm film on video, color, silent, 10 minutes. Brooklyn Museum, Frank Sherman Benson Fund, 2008.38. © artist or artist's estate (Photo: Photograph courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix, New York., CUR.2008.38.jpg)


Hannah Wilke Through the Large Glass




16mm film on video, color, silent, 10 minutes


Media Art

Credit Line

Frank Sherman Benson Fund

Accession Number



© artist or artist's estate

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