Man and Llama Vessel


Brooklyn Museum photograph

Object Label

This vessel may represent a shaman, or ritual specialist, taking a llama to be sacrificed to Pachamama (Mother Earth) or to the mountain spirits (apus). Such ceremonies occur today during the planting and harvesting of crops in order to encourage a fertile season. The shaman, shown in an elaborate headdress and finely woven tunic, holds an ornate panpipe, or antara, whose sound imitates the animal’s cries.

Esta vasija puede representar a un chamán, o especialista ritual, llevando a una llama a ser sacrificada a la Pachamama (Madre Tierra) o a los espíritus de la montaña (apus). Tales ceremonias ocurren actualmente durante la siembra y cosecha para promover una estación fértil. El chamán, llevando un tocado elaborado y túnica finamente tejida, sostiene una zampoña decorada, o antara, cuyo sonido imita el grito del animal.


Recuay. Man and Llama Vessel, 200 B.C.E.–600. Ceramic, pigment, 9 5/16 x 8 1/16 x 3 15/16 in. (23.7 x 20.5 x 10 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Leo E. Fleischman, 45.175.3. Creative Commons-BY (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 45.175.3_acetate_bw.jpg)


Not on view




Man and Llama Vessel


200 B.C.E.–600


Place made: Northern Highlands, Peru


Ceramic, pigment




9 5/16 x 8 1/16 x 3 15/16 in. (23.7 x 20.5 x 10 cm)

Credit Line

Gift of Leo E. Fleischman

Accession Number



Creative Commons-BY

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    The Recuay culture produced ceramic and stone material culture between 200 B.C.E. and 600 C.E. The man, who may be a shaman, is shown wearing an elaborate headdress and holding a panpipe. Llamas had major significance in various Peruvian cultures as beasts of burden, and sources of wool, and meat. In this case, the shaman may be taking the llama to be sacrificed to the gods.

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