Nasca. <em>Mouth Mask</em>, 100–400 C.E. Hammered gold, A: 3 × 3 3/4 × 1/4 in. (7.6 × 9.5 × 0.6 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Gift of the Ernest Erickson Foundation, Inc., 86.224.110a-c. Creative Commons-BY (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 86.224.110a-c_bw.jpg)

Mouth Mask


Medium: Hammered gold

Geograhical Locations:

Dates:100–400 C.E.

Dimensions: A: 3 × 3 3/4 × 1/4 in. (7.6 × 9.5 × 0.6 cm) B: 2 x 2 7/8 x 1/4 in. (5.1 x 7.3 x 0.6 cm) C: 2 x 3 x 3/16 in. (5.1 x 7.6 x 0.5 cm) Total weight: 13.37 g


Accession Number: 86.224.110a-c

Image: 86.224.110a-c_bw.jpg,

Catalogue Description:
Hammered repousse gold mouth mask that was worn suspended from the septum of the nose. Main section has circular void for mouth; around the void is a collarlike form with a scalloped border. The border is decorated with repousse dots and short curved lines that form the eyes and mouths of a series of stylized faces. Flanking the nose on the upper portions of the mask are two sets of five stylized whiskers taking the forms of serpents--four project to each side and one curves upward and inward encirling the nose; each set also contains a large stylized face with circles for eyes and a mouth that curves upward. The mask is in three parts; originally, these parts may not have been separated. Condition:good.

Brooklyn Museum