Medium: Stone
Geograhical Locations:
Dimensions: 15 1/2 x 11 3/4 x 3 3/8 in. (39.4 x 29.8 x 8.6 cm)
Accession Number: 51.109
Image: 51.109.jpg,
Catalogue Description: Stone panel with relief carving of corn goddess, Chicomecoatl (Seven Serpent). In right hand, she holds a snake shaped rattlestick (chicahuaztli). The tail of the snake may be shaped like a "solar ray" or phallic symbol. Both are thought to represent penetrating and fertilizing the soils. In her left hand, she may hold a plant, or an oztopilin which is a ritual staff adorned with paper flowers. The headdress consists of a headband made by wrapping a cord around the forehead several times. This cord has a border of beads above and below. Two fan-shaped elements on either side of the headdress represent folded amate paper ornaments. Two stalks of corn sit atop the headdress. The figure wears a shawl (quechquemitl) and a typical skirt (cueitl) The figure wears two jade necklaces, anklets possibly made from shell, and wristlets in the shape of the hieroglyph chalchiutl which means "precious stone." The goddess's feet are turned out at right angles and she wears sandals with decorative elements. Relief panels like this were usually set into the walls of temples or altars. Condition: good; some surface wear.