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Netherlands and the Netherlands Indies at Peace and at War

DATES November 10, 1943 through December 05, 1943
There are currently no digitized images of this exhibition. If images are needed, contact
  • November 8, 1943 On Wednesday afternoon, November 10, at three o’clock, the Brooklyn Museum is opening with a tea and reception an exhibition of photographs arid supplementary material, “The Netherlands and Netherlands Indies in Peace and at War.” Mr. Elink T. Schuurman, Netherlands Consul General, and Dr. Harry D. Gideonse, President of Brooklyn College, will speak.

    The photographs, assembled by the Netherlands Information Bureau, show Holland before and after the Nazi invasion, the East Indies, the Netherlands possessions in the Caribbean, and include a section on modern Dutch architecture. The supplementary material, which is from the Brooklyn Museum’s permanent collection, covers Javanese shadow puppets, masks, batiques, East Indian brocades and metal work. The exhibition will be open to the public on November 11 and will continue through December 5.

    Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1942 - 1946. 10-12/1943, 130.
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