September 29, 1975
PHOTOGRAPHERS FORUM will open its first major exhibition with a public reception in the Community Gallery of The Brooklyn Museum on Sunday, October 5, between 1 and 5 pm. One-hundred and seventy photographs by 35 artists are included in the show, which will be on view in the Museum through November 16. Photographers Forum, an organization of creative photographers, is a continuation of the Photo League, which, in the 1940’s, was dedicated to the principles of humanism and interracial unity in the arts. The show was organized by Tony Velez, whose own work is included, & coordinated by Richard Waller of the Museum’s Community Gallery. Admission to The Brooklyn Museum, Eastern Parkway and Washington Avenue, is free.
“The Photo League,” says Howard Greenberg, editor of the Forum’s Newsletter, “developed an important generation of photographers, among them many of the documentary photographers who enriched the Time-Life publications. It first exhibited Edward Weston, Brassai, Weegee, and Manuel Bravos, and launched Paul Strand’s monumental Mexican Portfolio. The present Forum show, reflecting their humanistic and technical concerns, represents a good cross-section of the Forum’s membership, ranging from prominent photographers (including professors) who have been working 25 years in the medium, to those now exhibiting their work for the first time. Although no restriction is placed on the photographers’ individual approach, the general thrust of the show is to honestly interpret, often with compassion and passion, the immediate world around us.”
“Cross Currents in Contemporary Photography,” a symposium by participants in the show, will be held on Sunday, October 12, at 2 pm in the Members’ Room of The Brooklyn Museum. The panel consists of Howard Greenberg, Builder Levy, Willard Moore, Professor Walter Rosenblum, Professor Louis Stettner, and Shawn Walker.
Others represented in the exhibition are: Vance Allen, Jay Altman, Al Balinsky, Stanley Banos, Susan Barron, Jerome Brent, Marcia Bricker, Leisant Giraux, Leonora Goldberg, Michael Gorman, Stephen Karver, Sylvia Lederman, Roseanne Longobardi, Sam Mahl, Daniel McCormack, Murray Melnick, Chris Reeburg, Herb Rosenberg, Bill Rubens, Michael Sabatalle, Laurel Sobelman, Ted Tessler, Norman Thaw, Judy Tomkins, Leo Trachtenberg, Vita Trachtenberg, Tony Velez, David Weixel, and Hope Wurmfeld.
Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1971 - 1988. 1975, 016-17. View Original