Sharing drinks and conversation at Art History Happy Hour. (Photo: Kolin Mendez)
Art History Happy Hour: David Bowie is
Thursday, May 17, 2018
7–9 pm
Martha A. and Robert S. Rubin Pavilion, 1st Floor
Celebrate the special exhibition David Bowie is with an evening of fun and informative lectures, accompanied by a cash bar with wine and beer. News writer and film critic Monica Castillo dives into Bowie's films, Paula Mejia, Atlas Obscura Associate Editor, explores his connection with the cosmos, and fashion historian Sarah Byrd catalogues how he anticipated the fashion trends of the future. Presented in partnership with the Society for the Advancement of Social Studies (SASS).
Thanks to a partnership with the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, our Art History Happy Hour is free of charge (purchase tickets for David Bowie is separately).
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